Then three things happened in rapid succession: I fell forward, I grabbed the edge of a desk to catch myself, and I pivoted down into Simon Zagan’s lap.
Falling and catching myself: fine. Landing on Simon Zagan: a tragic catastrophe.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Read and listened to the audio book (whipsersync from Amazon) in 2016 on 9/30 to page 133, on 10/13 to the end. I liked it, 4 of 5 Stars. I recommend it for young adults, science fiction fans, evolutional altered future fans.
It is a young adult book set in the future where evolution has caused people to change around their time of puberty. Around that time, along with sprouting pubic hair, comes the ability to easily read other people's minds. You might imagine the multitude of ways an author can go wild with that "what if".
After reading some reviews by Goodreads acquaintances I hesitated to recommend the book so enthusiastically due to the number of horrible reviews. After seeing some of the really bad reviews I had to ask myself if I cared about the characters. Was it plot driven? Did I struggle to suspend disbelief?