My rating:

Amazon rejected this review as violation of community standards. (Ask them, I'm baffled)
This is a legal suspense drama, a legal thriller with a plot similar to the Erin Brockovich movie. This book does a number of nice things I can tell you about without spoiling a thing.
I particularly liked the frank discussion of law from Mr. Victor Methos. A real life attorney with plenty of experience.
Early in the book Mr. Methos boldly tells the reader some painful truth about our legal system. It's about the money. It's almost as refined as insurance actuary tables.
Juries of peers, blind justice, everyone equal…, these are all myths that may have held actual meaning in early USA history -- but today justice is a performance being "play-acted" as if it is run any different from the Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. Maybe Amazon didn't like Mr. Metho's implied clarity about this point?