If you've been following my reviews on this series, I've mentioned both Dean Koontz and Terry Goodkind in my reviews. If you have read either of those authors you know what I'm saying about K. F. Breene. If you haven't read those authors, I'm giving Ms. Breene the blue ribbon of excellence and hope they win some prestigious prize for their writing.
With multiple book series, good writers usually develop several minor characters. You know some or all of them are going to be fodder -- sacrificed to the reader's emotional roller coaster ride, but you hope it won't be one of your favorites like Shanti's Westwoods Honor Guard when the next one has to be sacrificed for the reader's emotional entrapment.
Ms. Breene has certainly taken lessons from the Star Trek writers as there often appears an appreciated supporter who makes a difference… but are wearing the proverbial doomed red shirt, so to speak. While that IS an emotional train wreck, Scotty and the Doctor remain live. Still, when the rookie character catches a Hail Mary to win a battle, you don't want to see them cut from the team before the next outing.
Ok, enough babble, time to spoil the book. Those of you wise enough to walk away, now's the time to move along. Those who have read the book. What do you care? You already know. And if you've just checking to see if I have it right, you need a hobby. Read the next book instead.
==========Spoilers Be Here==========
I thought the invasion was in Shadow Lands when the Being Supreme invaded the Shadow Lands while Shanti was in the Chosen "trials". They had broken all the rules and even cut their way into the grounds of the trials and mapped the entire area in order to capture or kill Shanti, "The Chosen".
I was surprised, at least initially, when I learned who this book's primary antagonist was and why. I was more nervous when I discovered the fabled Shadow People were not going to be a source of much hope for Shaniti's aspirations. Seems such a grand build up to gain their support. Nearly legendary then pfft. Ms. Breene does an excellent job making sure her readers get the full roller coaster ride when enjoying her imagination.
I imagined the wrong invasion. As the blurb says, Shanti has secured the title of Chosen and have the support of the Shadow People. The nightmare in this novel is that relentless HUNTER whom they escaped at the Shadow Lands.
Cayan's Westwoods had been supplied with plenty of soldiers to protect his little empire, but none of them had "mind power". Not even Inkna mind power, which The Hunter had in abundance. Capturing Cayan's Westwoods didn't even need the the army of Graygaul who showed up with the Inkna mind warriors.
The Hunter took up residence in Cayan's home. While the cats are away... the RATS will play.
The invasion is from Shanti, Cayan and their soldiers, attempting to take back his homeland. A place Shanti has come to love.
It isn't going to go well or be easy. But you know that. You've read a few books and understand "no pain, no gain". Remember the Hunter is relentless and fastidious. He is protecting Cayan's homeland far more diligently than Cayan had ever protected it.
And here's a spoiler for you. While Shanti is being overwhelmed with both Inkna and Graygaul elite troops, Cayan is miles away in the fetal position on the ground, praying to die for the massive mental attack he is enduring. Things do not look good at this point, and worse.
Invasion by K. F. Breene
Read on Saturday, September 07, 2019, Sunday, September 8, 2019, and Wednesday, September 11, 2019
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