My rating: 
Mind's Eye is the first book in Douglas E. Richards's Nick Hall Series. There are 3 books in the series.
If you asked me about any Douglas E. Richard's book, I would likely just say, "Read it." And that would be a good recommendation two out of three times. He's a superb writer, researches his fantastic/speculative fiction quite well and extrapolates with some exciting ideas.
I think the Nick Hall series is another of this great jobs at speculations and research. He does his normal workmanship like writing that seems suited for an action screenplay most the time. If you asked me on April 19, 2020, if you should read the Nick Hall series, having almost finished Brain Web by that time, it would be an instant yes.

I would highly recommend it. If you asked me on May 2, 2020, after completing MindWar. I'd shrug.

The Goodreads or Amazon blurb on this novel are excellent introductions that provide you ample information to make a decision on reading the book.
I enjoyed Mind's Eye. I liked the audiobook narrator, Adam Verner, as well. I often read & listen simultaneously. Old study tech from college days.
Loved most the co-protagonists, particularly Nick and Megan, and thought the antagonists as diabolical as any antagonist.
Mr. Richards does his homework. Things he asks us to believe in his books are often challenging. So many folks will appreciate that Mr. Richards often explains at the conclusion of his books "what's real and what's not".
Mr. Richard's style of story telling reminds me of Asimov, Heinlein and other Golden Age Science Fiction Masters. Those writers would explain an idea, tell you a bit of the science they have hallucinated into the future. But usually their story was the meat on the bones of speculation of where science may one day take us. Often the characters were, more or less,
along for the ride.
In Foundation I can tell you what made me fall in love with Asimov, the plot twist that looked me, but if I guessed at the primary protagonist at that spot in the novel at this moment, I'd almost certainly guess wrong or mangle the name, remembering only vaguely. Hari Sheldon, I saw it in a link I was looking up.
Nick's characters are often what drives the plot. He's excited about the possibilities of the new technology and often the technology is integrally woven into the plot. While the technology is exciting, you care about Nick Hall. You want him and Megan to get together…
This one will grab you from the start and by the end, you'll want the next novel in the series.
Read in 4 sessions on April 5, 11, 12, & 13, my second reading.
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