
Friday, January 12, 2024

Finding Grace by B. E. Baker

  1. ..before my head cracked against the pavement, arms reach beneath my armpits. When I open my eyes, I’m looking at the upside down, still gorgeous, smiling face of Ben Newberg
  2. "She won’t understand when I tell her that the greatest joy in life comes from serving someone else and forgetting yourself. But one day, hopefully soon, she’ll experience it all. And when she does? It will be glorious."

Finding Grace Ebook|83x125B. E. Baker|83x125Finding Grace audiobook image|125x125http://www.jenniferjillaraya.com|83x125Paul Bellantoni|83x125

(Finding Home 1) Finding Grace by B. E. Baker

My thoughts on Review spoilers, and ratings may be relevant before you venture below --- the spoiler line ---. Click the [Back] button there to return here if you take a look. Review 1100± words.
Rating: 4/5

I recommend this romance novel by one of my favorite people, author Bridget E. Baker. Due to diligent research... I know that it is a 'Second chance romance' novel. Romance isn't my normal genre. I do understand "story" very well, however.

Bridget is very good at romance novels. What does that mean?

She's expert enough at story telling, and writing, that she plays the orchestra of the reader's emotions like a virtuoso conductor.

Considering this is a "clean" romance novel, you're not going to be treated to smut, porn, or vulgar language for the sake of entertainment. Considering that 'intentional clean restraint' Bridget has placed on herself, it takes considerable skill to keep the romance 'heating up'. She kept the dramatic tension and emotional tension growing right to the climax of the novel. (Yep, that was intentional. My bad. Not hers.)

If you're a fan of "love" in general, you'll enjoy this one. This is 'book one' in the nine book Finding Home series. I've only read this one book. It "concludes." I am extraordinarily impressed with this fact. I do not need to read another book in this series. I will - because I wonder if Bridget can play my emotions well enough to bring tears to my eyes eight more times.

Finding Grace had a beginning, middle, & end, it asked a 'story question' and answered it. Book complete. Review complete. My job is done

Generally: ----- Spoiler Line -----
As a sophomore in high school Addison 'Addy' Thorley has the routine crush on Ben Newberg, senior, Football quarterback. Student Council president that has about every female student at high school swooning.

Except there's Jessica. She is the beautiful senior head cheerleader and Ben's next door neighbor. She is the moon orbiting Ben as routinely as the sun rises, and what crushes the hearts and hopes of most the other young ladies at high school.

Addy's best friend in High School is Mary. If you've never read a story, that means Mary is perfect. Sure, they're both from low income families, both have their appropriate nightmares of growing up with family drama as teens. Mary is the one who convinced Addy to co-apply to be the counselors at the nature camp. That the selected older camp counselor applicants became ill at the last minute leaves Mary & Addy as the only sophomores with a seven day vacation from school, being counselors at camp.

First chance.

Ben Newberg recues Addy from a concussion on an icy patch at camp.

Of Note:
I mentioned this is a second chance romance. Huge spoiler.

This detail is irrelevant in this romance story. No joke. I liked the character. That is the only reason he is "Of Note".

Mike is the giant sequoia tree who is apparently a lineman or linebacker on the football team, and Ben's best buddy. Seems he is the big guy who has Ben's back on and off the football field.

At camp, Addy, distracted with her own insecurities didn't notice the immovable object. So Mike is the cause of Addy's adverse encounter with an ice patch. Five days later, at the end of camp, Mike appears to be ready to pick up the pieces that Ben will likely leave behind at the end of this "First Chance".

There are a great number of little details, like this one, that assures you that despite the obvious plot, there are plenty of reasons to enjoy this novel.

Likes / Dislikes:
Science Fiction, Adventure, Suspense, and biographies were my first loves in reading. The idea of the future fascinated me. Heinlein, Asimov, Anderson, Farmer, almost did not need characters except to demonstrate their ideas work for the future. Doc Savage, Batman were like science fiction but imbued with moral or ethical lessons or ideals and persistently taught me about right & wrong, good verses bad.

Today, "Nowhere Man" by Gregg Hurwitz may be my modern day "Doc Savage" of sorts, even Red Rising Saga by Pierce Brown may be my "Foundation" (by Asimov) or at least another good "little" guy vs big bad guy. Likes & dislikes in people don't change much once a person grows into themselves.

Finding Grace, a 'Second Chance' Romance book, fills all of what I love about my favorite genres. Our protagonist, Addy, is faced with a moral question everyone faces today as does Ben, her love interest. Mrs. Baker illustrates lot about life in this "love story".

She doesn't shy away from the fact that when you make the right moral decision and stick to your high ethical values, you often pay very dearly for it. But like real life, Bridget also shows the reader that it is better to live comfortably in your own skin rather than surrender to behavior or ethics that keep you up at night or are happy to provide you ulcers and endless antacids.

The Technical: Critique Info
A story "Is two dogs fighting over a bone." Not very obvious how to make a 'second chance romance' story fit into that cliché but sage writer advice. Fortunately I had lots of writing teachers.

"A story asks and answers a question."

I used to use this 'definition' of a story too often when I was writing critiques. Many beginning writers, and the marginally successful indie writers can't, don't, or won't understand this concept. Which dog gets the bone? Without the question and answer... not a story.

Romance novels have been around so long - and every romance plot used so many times, the name of the "kind of romance" is both cliché and tells you the entire story. I told you in my second 'review' sentence all you needed to know. If you read the promotional blurb and my second review sentence and still want to read this book, you're going to love it. You're a reader!

Critique? After the climax I thought it ran a little long before the conclusion. That I was anxious for the story to end negates the criticism. Keeping the reader turning pages is part of the author's promise to the reader. Since it ended conclusive enough that I do not NEED to read any further in the series is a gold star completion of the contract between me (reader) and Bridget (author) when I purchased and read her novel.

It's just a simple little 'Second Chance' Love Story. First book in The "Finding Home" series. You can read this book alone without reading further in the series.

Near 1100± words and I didn't scratch the surface. I think you'll like it.


Read on: Jan 12, 2024
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View all my Goodreads reviews.

✒ Written by: B. E. Baker
🗣 Read by: Jennifer Jill Araya
🗣 Read by: Paul Bellantoni
🔊 Format: Digital Audiobook & Ebook
🕑 Run Time: 5:07:35
📚 Length: 166 pages (Varies by edition)

Dear Bridget E. Baker. As you likely know, in 2024 the second book of the year on my TBR list was a toss up between The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer & My Queendom for a Horse by Bridget E Baker. You joked you would win out. Despite my best laid plans, I read "Finding Grace" by Bridget E Baker. I often make jest of myself on your Fan Page on Facebook. Turns out you knew me better than I knew myself! Norm Davis’s review of The Chemist | Goodreads


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