Corruption by Susan Kaye Quinn
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Debt collector 17, "Corruption" is our next to last "episode". Our crew of co-protagonists, Zach, Wyatt, and Alex/Wraith have a trilogy of options to stop the criminal slaughter of thousands of people via a computer hack that makes these folks appear to be subject to legal debt collection. Five stars for the idea, two stars for the episode meaning it was OK.
This episode is predictable to some degree. I do admit I missed my guess about Zach's number one option and hadn't thought that the third option would fail as quickly as my initial guess at what was next. You'll have to read the episode which isn't really a bad thing.
Since it is episode 17 of 18, I must leave you knowing that this is where all stories peak in excitement and the next episode must reach the conclusion of the story, for us to see if good or evil prevails. Click on read more or the spoiler link for the entire Cliff Notes spoiler extension to this review.
Moloch's criminal organization, Gehenna, is a pro-debt-collector enterprise that plans to make select debt collectors "Gods" with eternal life. I suspect the remaining army of debt collectors shall become royalty with long life or become slaves also - herding sheeple into debt collection slaughter houses so Moloch and his Gehenna collection of thugs might become the Pharaoh Gods dictating where all life energy shall be distributed.
Zach's FBI contact immediately falls apart in the hero's efforts to thwart the evil plan. The FBI appear to be either corrupt or complicit. Either way they aren't going to ride in on white horses and save the day. This destroys their best hope and also destroys their fall-back "plan C" as well. Plan C had been Witness Protection. It would likely be meaningless if Moloch's plans succeed. So they have only option two remaining.
Option two is Wyatt gaining access to the original hacker, "inTense". Once they are with him, Zach and Wraith plan to use the stick and carrot strategy to convince him to undo his evil hacking. For a bribe of life energy "inTense" moved thousands of innocent folks into the poverty rolls on the government debt collection computers that will result in an army of debt collectors suddenly committing mass murder illegally collecting life energy. To double our hero's troubles, "inTense" has made it appear like a terror attack by the beloved "Lifetime" organization started by Alex's father.
Having been an executive assistant to powerful folks for years, Wyatt has become eligible bachelor number one in many circles. Wyatt uses his good looks and sexual desirability to gain access to the super hacker "inTense".
All goes well except "inTense" managed to secretly alert Moloch of his hostile visitors before they ever use the stick on him. "InTense" does get some stick and carrot treatment, enough to get him working on the fix.
As our criminal "slasher" is working under the careful observation of undercover FBI debt collector Zach, our beloved Gehenna monsters Seth and Moloch arrive, guns drawn. We leave this episode with death assured for at least Wraith. Odds are Zach will get to be tortured to death a second time as well. Wyatt's death has been pronounced but is more likely undetermined.
The Gehenna villainy reminds me of identity theft, but as soon as your assets are stolen, the soul sucking debt collector is knocking at your door, even before you even get a "Lifelock" alert that you're on the government's death list.
Boy, that really hikes up the meaning of "life's not fair". Interested? Pick up The Debt Collector: Wraith. Season 2.
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