
Friday, April 26, 2019

Judegment - (Debt Collector 16)

Judgment (Debt Collector #16)

Judgment by Susan Kaye Quinn

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This episode was OK. 2 stars. I still struggle with Ms. Quinn's erratic quality of writing this 'season' but she long ago earned me as a fan (with her Mindjack series). This is episode number 16 of 18 that I'm aware of, so not recommending it would be like ordering a meal and leaving before it was served.

We start off exciting enough. Telling you too much would spoil episode 15, so let's say the episode opens with Wraith and Zach trying to escape Gehanna thugs in a taxi that is stuck in traffic, with their sanctuary within sight and not knowing if the thugs are 2 hours or 2 minutes behind them. To complicate matters Zach is lethally injured and Wraith is doing all possible to keep him alive. This is sincerely a suspenseful scene. The next scene is entirely unbelievable, in a noxious kind of way.

You can't sell the reader that death is immanent for a primary character then wander away from them to go make a confession, sob, hug, and have long explanations with important but evidently minor characters while the dying primary character stands, something he has previous been unable to do well, patiently waiting through the emotional reunion.

But Miral, (Alexandra's "Q") is in danger and must be saved, as well as Wyatt her executive assistant, because both have been added to Moloch's "persuade Wraith's hit list". So, unfortunately Zach has to not die while she sorts out that life saving exercise.

The blessing to lovers of Season One is a return to the safety of Madam Anastazja's whore house and hospital complete with her new full time MD of soul sucking, Lirum!

Don't we love it when a good series revisits beloved old protagonists!

The episode does its duty in the plot arc of season two and properly ends with as much trouble as it started with so "Corruption" Debt Collector 17 can become indispensable to readers who want to finish the story and start our next episode with a suspenseful adventure.

View all my Goodreads reviews

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